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When undertaking commissions, Vicky likes to have clear photographs from which to work from to ensure you get the best possible painting. So here's our simple guide to taking the clearest, useable photographs.
Make sure your photographs are nice and clear, especially around the eyes and face.
Photographs should be of a sufficiently high quality resolution in order to get the clearest image to paint from.
Lighting of your subject is very important. Don't take your photographs facing into the light as this will make them end up in shadow. Try to use natural lighting where possible. A cloudy day is ideal as the light is flat and prevents harsh shadows and highlights you get in bright sunlight.
Try not to take the photographs head on as this foreshortens the nose. A slight angle to the right or left is usually best.
Try to take your photographs against a clean background i.e. nothing too fussy. This helps to define the image of the sitter better to get more detail.
If you need further assistance, then Vicky will always be happy to give you a few more pointers.
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Copyright Art by Vicky Whitlam 2024